In our mdoern times, we reach our Cronehood – our wisdomful Eldership – when we feel we have left behind the outer focuses of Maiden, Mother & Queenhood.

Imagine a woman in her 70s, still fit of mind & body, gathered under a great Eucaluptus tree with the women in her family & her friends. For months before-hand, she has been dwelling on, and crafting, her Great Wisdom to pass on during this ceremony – these words she wishes to be remembered for. By the light of the fire, see her beloveds listening to her – honouring her.

Cronehood is about entering the last phases of the Wheel – the time when we can see what we have accomplished & understand how to pass on our wisdoms. It is not the shucking of responsibility, but the choosing of that which we now be responsible for, with these last energies of our life.

Cronehood is about lighting your load by making different choices & passing on your wisdom.

A Cronehood Ceremony is about accepting the beautiful downward spiral you are now walking in your life – though it may take decades to complete the walk! It is about leaving behind the passions of Maidenhood – the responsibilities of Motherhood – the rebalancing of Queenhood – and moving into the unique stillness that is Eldership.

 To a Cronehood Ceremony I bring:

  • A passion for women’s ceremony & a wealth of ceremony experience
  • Authenticity, honesty, patience, respect & understanding
  • A creative heart & an organised mind
  • An understanding of the need for women together together to mark the changes in their life
  • An awareness of the power of women gathering together in sacredness


Welcome to Green Celebrant ceremonies. Book your ceremony with me today.