Imagine a ceremony where you can give voice to all the lies & sadness about your womanhood that you’ve dragged with you every day of your life, so that you may let them go & flourish into Womanhood.

Imagine a woman who was abused & hurt in her adolescent years, and who grew to fear & feel shame about her body. Imagine this woman considering becoming pregnant, and wondering how she will help her daughter to grow into a woman, if her own experience was so traumatic? Now imagine that this woman is sitting surrounded by candle light, under a dark moon, with five other women just outside the candles. Imagine them offering sacred witnessing to that woman, as she explores in words and gestures and tears her experiences. Imagine that in being heard, she finds a way forward into healing.

Reclaiming Womanhood is about exploring what you currently feel about your femininity – your Divine Womanhood – and what you want it to feel like.

A Reclaiming Womanhood ceremony is about acknowledging the feelings of angst, anger, rage, loathing & grief that may be tied up with how you see being a ‘woman.’ It is about using the power of ceremony – a place where the sacred is honoured – to wash away what was, and prepare a place within your for what you are ready for it to be.

To a Reclaiming Womanhood Ceremony I bring:

A passion for women’s ceremony & a wealth of ceremony experience
Authenticity, honesty, patience, respect & understanding
A creative heart & an organised mind
An understanding of the need for women together together to mark the changes in their life
An awareness of the power of women gathering together in sacredness


Welcome to Green Celebrant ceremonies. Book your ceremony with me today.